Hey! I'm Rae (she/they) and I like bright colors and retro aesthetics!!
Right now I'm really into anime and manga but I'm getting more interested in gaming...
Come check me out on socials or drop in on a twitch stream to see what I'm all about!
ヾ(・ω・*)( ° ∀ ° )ノ゙

About me

I'm Rae and i like to draw, stream and research niche topics. Don't even get me started about linguistics and the evolution of language-
Enjoy your time on the site or come check out my stream sometime! I'm learning about car maintenance, food preservation, baking and crafting.
I also like to sell merchandise of my art at conventions, so check my socials to see where I'll be lurking
(x_x)⌒☆ ..・ヾ(。><)シ

My Artwork


original work

share your feelings,
contact me!

even if you just wanna comment on my site lmao